Comfort Zone

First of all,A person feels at ease because they aren’t being tested when they are in their comfort zone.

But,people rarely try new things or face problems while they are in their comfort zone also,they exclusively partake in familiar activities, which gives them a sense of “control” over their surroundings.

In addition, People avoid painful or anxious feelings by staying in their comfort zones. Any activity that pushes us beyond of our comfort zones causes uncertainty, and uncertainty makes us anxious. Humans are wired to naturally avoid unpleasant emotions. They find it difficult to leave their comfort zone as a result.

On the other hand,what happens when you leave your comfort zone? 

First,Increased resilience

Second, Self-actualization 

 Third, A boost in self-confidence 

Fourth,Fewer regrets

Finally, steps to getting out of your comfort zone

1. Measure what’s inside and outside your comfort zone

2. Set personal goals 

3. Take action — one step at a time

4. Find your sweet spot 

5. Cultivate a positive mental attitude 

6. Hang out with like-minded people


After all This is the


– DAY 1 –

1- Am I in comfort zone?

2- There is a time for departure even when there’s no certain place to go.

3- Fear of the unknown-comfort in the known.

4-The Comfort zone is an illusion, it is not real.

5- Your Comfort zone is killing you.


– DAY 2 –

1- Why is this important?

2- Are you job Seeker or knowledge and skills seeker?

3- Move out of your Comfort Zone. Basically,you can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new ‘(Brian).

4- Steps to beat your comfort zone.


Presented by :

Mr. SAID has 13 years experiences in four different sectors like Steel Industry, Education, Hospitality and Retail Sector. He holds a Master Degree in Business Administration.

Said AL Hosni is a certified Trainer from Canada Global Consulting and Training Centre (CGC)

Excerpts from the course content
Comfort Zone - Change’s Power
Comfort Zone - Importance of Plan
Comfort Zone - Participant interaction
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Comfort Zone - Change’s Power
Comfort Zone - Importance of Plan
Comfort Zone - Participant interaction
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